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Members of the Association who are not employees and who have an understanding of, and a commitment to the values and practices of feminist frameworks are eligible for Management Committee membership.

Members are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. New members are nominated and existing members may be re-nominated at the Annual General Meeting.

The Management Committee meets monthly and an Annual General Meeting is held yearly usually in early October.

Responsibilities of the Management Committee

Management Committee

Theresa Petray – President

Jemima Giles – Treasurer

Angela Carroll – Secretary

Erica Kyle – Committee Member

Mangalam Samkupellay – Committee Member

Diana Falcomer – Committee Member


All staff are expected to strive to achieve the vision and objectives, adhere to the policy and procedures, actively participate in the staff team, work within the parameters of their job description and contribute to the day-to-day operations of the women’s centre.

All counselling staff hold tertiary qualifications in Social work, Psychology, Social Sciences or Health.
The Women’s Centre prioritizes training and professional development for all staff who attend many workshops and conferences which enhances their professional development. Contract positions exist from time to time.